Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Shogun of the Dark Rules of the Road
One of my accomplishments in life as a free man as of late has been the acquiring of my own automobile. I was able to purchase one from an Oriental rug dealer for a lowly $500. Though it does not meet the standards of most freemen, I am still able to employ it as a tool to further my goals.
Before I took to the roads in my newly purchased truck, the Shogun of the Dark took the time to teach me the ways of the American transportation system. I will post it below for all posterity.
Shogun of the Dark's Driving hand book:
Rule #1: Other drivers are not to be regarded as human beings, but as adversaries
Above all, You must never buy into the delusion that other drivers have friends or family that care for them, or that their existence has any value at all. For all intents and purposes, They are mindless drones that serve no other purpose than to impair your progress.
Rule #2: You must never show any fear. Ever.
If you show even the slightest weakness, your enemies will exploit it to the fullest. You must never allow them to make an offering of victory to their false god while your bones bleach in the sun.
Rule #3: You must establish yourself as a threat immediately.
Perhaps this is the most important rule of all. If you make it clear to your enemies that you are willing to throw your life away in anger at the slightest provocation, then your adversaries or more willing to fear and respect you.
The Shogun of the Dark told me that as long as I adhere to these simple rules, I will be able to fade in and out of the transportation nexus at will, and that I would have a more enjoyable driving experience as a whole.

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