Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Age of Hobo
Part Deux

Once again, I could help but mull over the wretched state of mankind. After witnessing one peculiar event, a very powerful hatred began to form inside of me.
The location of the event was the enormous complex which the people of this area refer to as “Wal-Mart.” As you might have already imagined, I did not go there to purchase any sort of good or service. I was merely there as a passive observer. Over time, I had accumulated what seemed to be a countless number of hours wandering its expansive Isles. Oddly, no one seemed to pay any mind to me. It is quite baffling when considering my bizarre eccentricities.
On the particular day of the incident in question, I had lurched into the area where the large flickering plastic devices are kept. Normally I would have continued my endless wandering through the complex, but an extremely obese adolescent male caught my eye. He was engaged in debate with what appeared to be his female parental unit. He was making a passionate appeal to her reason. The only thing that I was able to make out at the time was “World of Warcraft.” There was also something mentioned about an “Upgrade.”
Later in the week I asked of the Shogun of the Dark what is the meaning of “World of Warcraft?” At this point, I could tell that he was about to begin one of his severely long stories. I really wish I had gotten myself a snack beforehand.
“Long ago before the dawn of time as you understand it to be, There was a information network established in this world. Though its original intended use was that of a electronic bulletin board system in which the highly educated could share their research, It had come to be something very different indeed. Over a period of time, gradual increases in technology were made, allowing the grid to function more efficiently. By the time you had escaped from your dark subterranean prison, the Internet had become much more “user-friendly” To be frank, it had evolved to the point where even the stupidest of humans could “log on.”
“Once the number of these idiots had reached critical mass, the content on the Internet became overrun by content that was severely absurd in nature. No longer was it a tool for research. In fact, it had become an evil entity, feeding off the life force of those without the mental capabilities to recognize it for what it was.”
However, another thing you must realize is that those on the other end of the spectrum were not blind as to the nature of the recent developments. Though they were aware of what the grid had become, they chose to continue to writhe in its wretched, God-forsaken sea of depravity. You see, it became well known among the well informed that a select few elite would become masters of the new electronic realm. Their power would be virtually unlimited!”

At this point, I had to stop the Shogun. I simply could not stand to here another word without obtaining for myself at least a modest snack.
When I hear the rest of the story, I will report to you my findings.

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